Welcome / About Day 1

Thanks for joining us for the Embrace Change Buddhist Wisdom Summit.

DAY 1 recordings will be available on June 13 for FREE beginning at 6:00 am PT | 7:00 am MT | 8:00 am CT | 9:00 am ET | 1:00 pm UTC for ONLY 24 hours.

If you purchased the Resource Package Upgrade, thank you! All of the summit recordings will be available to you on June 13.

DAY 1: Suffering & the End of Suffering

Suffering, or “dukkha” in Pali, is a foundational concept in Buddhism. Day 1 of the summit lays the ground with presentations on Buddhism's essential teachings:

Sylvia Boorstein: The Four Messengers and the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths 

A Lion’s Roar introduction to Buddhism & The Truth of Suffering

Norman Fischer on How Impermanence and Suffering are Part of the Spiritual Path 

+ Guided meditation with Norman 

Guo Gu on Buddhism’s Three Marks of Existence 

+ Guided meditation with Guo Gu

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