Watch this Free Talk on The Paradox of Meditation

"One of the things we are cultivating is a path of intimacy, rather than a practice that's trying to get somewhere."

Watch this Free Guided Meditation on Breath

"You start to pull your attention from the distractions, or from the looping that tension can bring, into a deeper awareness of the body in the present. This intimate practice of breathing has a deep healing effect on many different layers of the body."

Enroll today to make the life-changing benefits of mindfulness practice yours with A Buddhist Course in Mindfulness.

  • Over 3 hours of teachings offered in 29 easy-to-follow videos
  • 35+ minutes of guided meditations
  • Practical advice on finding your meditative posture (including in a chair), how to transform reactivity, what to do with your hands and eyes during meditation, and more
  • Supportive Lion’s Roar magazine readings on sitting with pain, understanding the Buddhist view on karma and why we suffer, key Buddhist meditative techniques, and “How to Establish a Daily Practice of Almost Anything, in Six Steps”
  • All Lion's Roar Online Learning courses include closed captions

Michael Stone was a beloved teacher of meditation, yoga, and mindfulness. His passing in 2017 was a shock to all. We at Lion’s Roar were always honored to work with Michael, publishing his writing in Lion’s Roar magazine and developing A Buddhist Course in Mindfulness with him.

The course features Michael the way so many people experienced him as a teacher and friend: articulate, engaging, good-humored (sometimes downright funny!) — and in gentle mastery of his subject matter.

Engaging in mindfulness helps us cultivate the courage to meet what arises in our lives as it arises, and to not hold on to it. It’s simpler than you think — especially when you have access to a great teacher, possessed of warmth and steeped in Buddhist mindfulness training and practice.

In 3+ hours, featuring 2 in-depth guided meditations, this course presents Michael at his eloquent best, teaching you not just about mindfulness, but giving you the foundation for a lifetime of realizing it — and enjoying it.

Also included are helpful review materials to reinforce what you’ve learned, and further readings (specially selected by the editors of Lion’s Roar) by some of today’s finest Buddhist teachers, including Pema Chödrön, Sharon Salzberg, and Norman Fischer.

Course Curriculum

  0.1 The Journey of Meditation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  0.2 Introduction to Posture, Breathing, and Mindful Listening
Available in days
days after you enroll
  0.3 A Path of Meditation: A Practice of Intimacy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  0.4 Mindfulness of Breathing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  0.5 Engaging Fully in Mindfulness: How to Hold the Breath and Body
Available in days
days after you enroll
  0.6 Mindfulness in Daily Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  0.7 Meditation in Daily Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  0.8 Practice Support
Available in days
days after you enroll

Shôken Michael Stone

was a Buddhist teacher, yogi, psychotherapist, and author who presented traditional meditative tools in plain language to facilitate their greater impact in the worlds of psychology, technology, economics, and ecology. His meditation teachings integrated traditional Vipassana and Zen forms with insights from Yoga and Mahayana Buddhism, while honoring the integrity of each tradition.