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The Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit 2023
Welcome to the Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit 2023
Day 1: Goodness
Viewing Day 1 Sessions
Welcome and Day 1 introduction, with host Jan Willis (4:28)
Thupten Jinpa — The Dalai Lama’s Message for Us All (51:45)
Thupten Jinpa — Guided opening meditation (8:27)
Robert A.F Thurman — Alright Already: The Secret of the Dalai Lama’s Enduring Cheerfulness (63:37)
Robert A.F. Thurman — Guided practice: Sitting with the Dalai Lama to Shape Our Motivation (15:23)
Lisa Miller — Your Own Awakened Brain + Guided exercises: Hosting Council, and The Road of Life (43:04)
Matthew Fox — The Sacredness of Creation (46:31)
Matthew Fox — Guided meditation from The Stations of the Cosmic Christ (13:08)
Day 2: Compassion
Viewing Day 2 Sessions
Day 2 introduction with host Jan Willis (3:38)
Philippe Goldin — The Science and Practice of Compassion Meditations (35:44)
Cyndi Lee — Tend & Befriend, + Grounding Touch practice (33:00)
Cyndi Lee — Exploring Unconditional Friendliness, Radical Inclusivity and Self-Compassion / Compassion (9:33)
Pamela Ayo Yetunde — Creating a Just and Compassionate Society (44:23)
Pamela Ayo Yetunde — Guided practices, 3 in 1: Lojong, Lovingkindness, and Tonglen (13:30)
Tony Butterfly Pham — How Deepening into Compassion Calls Us Towards the Practice of Social Justice (35:06)
Tony Butterfly Pham — Guided practice: Working with an Image to Evoke Compassion (55:55)
Day 3: Ethics
Viewing Day 3 Sessions
Day 3 introduction with host Jan WIllis (3:46)
Ven. Tenzin Priyadarshi — Ethical Imagination and Compassionate Leadership (24:48)
Ven. Tenzin Priyadarshi — Guided Practice: Guided Practice: Aspiring to the Four Immeasurables (28:54)
Brother Phap Luu — Ethics as a Foundation In a Time of Crisis (54:33)
Brother Phap Luu — Guided practice: Seeing the Five Mindfulness Trainings as a Way Out of Suffering (13:18)
Joe Loizzo — The New Science and Practice of Leading with Compassion and Altruism (56:52)
Joe Loizzo — Guided practice in internalizing and emulating a mentor of compassion and altruism (12:11)
Tenzin Geyche (in dialogue with Melvin McLeod) on the Dalai Lama and nonviolence (37:24)
Day 4: Meditation
Viewing Day 4 Sessions
Day 4 introduction with Jan Willis (4:15)
Dan Zigmond — Meditation as Social Action (12:47)
Dan Zigmond — Guided full awareness breathing meditation (12:06)
Daniel Goleman — The Dalai Lama: A Meditation-informed Visionary Social Activist (24:21)
Daniel Goleman: Guided loving-kindness meditation (6:26)
Ven. Thubten Chodron — The Three Levels of Wisdom (61:14)
Ven. Thubten Chodron — Guided reflection: Hearing, Thinking, and Meditating on the Dharma (13:34)
Spring Washam — The Roots of Presence (Embodying Loving-Kindness) (39:40)
Spring Washam — Guided loving-kindness and compassion meditation (12:30)
Day 5: Wisdom
Viewing Day 5 Sessions
Day 5 introduction with Jan Willis (6:52)
Robert A.F Thurman on The Heart Sutra — Entering Shakyamuni's Illumination of the Profound Samadhi with the Lord of Compassion (62:46)
Robert A.F. Thurman — Guided reflection on openness (19:51)
Thupten Jinpa — The Middle Way of Wisdom (42:55)
Dr. Vandana Shiva — Wisdom for Our Environmental Crisis + Guided reflection/prayer (22:54)
Pema Khandro Rinpoche — Wisdom in the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism (49:14)
Pema Khandro Rinpoche — Guided zhine (calm abiding) meditation (16:01)
Closing and dedication with Robert A.F. Thurman and Lion’s Roar editor-in-chief Melvin McLeod (13:16)
BONUS: Real Life: Wisdom and Compassion in Action [Course]
About The Course
Real Life: Session 1 with Sharon Salzberg and Robert Thurman
Real Life: Session 2 with Sharon Salzberg
Real Life: Session 3 with Robert Thurman
Real Life: Session 4 with Sharon Salzberg and Robert Thurman
Real Life: Session 5 with Sharon Salzberg and Robert Thurman
BONUS: [Film] Vajra Sky Over Tibet — John Bush, filmmaker
Vajra Sky Over Tibet [On-Demand Stream]
BONUS: Summit E-Books
E-Book 1: Goodness
E-Book 2: Compassion
E-Book 3: Ethics
E-Book 4: Meditation
E-Book 5: Wisdom
BONUS: Audio Files of All Sessions
Downloadable Audio Files
BONUS: Transcript PDFs of All Sessions
Downloadable Transcript PDF Files
Real Life: Session 1 with Sharon Salzberg and Robert Thurman
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